The Importance Of Phenotypes

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6. In an environment that changes often or a species moves to a different environment a genotype has the ability to produce various phenotypes to sustain the environment. The ability for the genotype to process different phenotypes based on the pressures in the environment is called phenotypic plasticity. Phenotypic can be rapid or gradual depending on the environment and the features need for adaptation. An adaptive phenotype will be able to change morphology, behavior, and development alterations (Futuyma, 2013). Developmental may not be able to be reversed, but the changes can happen rapidly. An adaptive phenotype will be able to alter its phenotype when the environment changes, resulting in different phenotypes to adapt. Adaptive will increase the fitness of a species, because they will be able to adapt quickly to different environments increasing their chances of survival. A non-adaptive phenotype will decrease the fitness of a species. This phenotype may change the species to go against or resist the changes in the environment or not adapt at all. If the species does not change...

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