The Importance Of PICS And Two Internet Standards

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Standards rely heavily on the network effect, which is the idea that the effectiveness of a standard is based on the number of people who use it. As a result, standards that are complicated to implement, especially ones dealing with technology, are heavily dependent on incentives in order to get a sufficient amount of people to use it. Looking at PICS and PCI DSS, two Internet standards, where one succeeded and the other failed, we can see what makes standards effective online.

Platform for Internet Control Selection (PICS) was an Internet standard formed by W3C in 1996 to allow parents to filter content, primarily nudity. It was completely voluntary and up to the website owners themselves to label their own site. This is because the Internet has an end-to-end infrastructure; control is placed on the users rather than a centralized unit. By letting website owners place ratings, the massive burden of a singular agency trying to judge all the sites on the web by itself is avoided. However, self-compliance cannot place too much on the end user or users wont do it.

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