The Importance Of Nutrition In My Life

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During my young years, food is something that brings everyone together, for my family that is. Every cook meal from breakfast to dinner and in between snacks is special for us. From holidays to special occasion, my family and close and far relatives come together and have fun. So food is important for me and my family and that also mean what kinds of nutrition we eat are important as well.
As I have mentioned before, I came from a very large family so imagine how many food were needed to prepare for a simple breakfast and dinner. Lots and lots of food are needed. Of course, I was still too young back then and I really didn’t care enough to pay attention in what I eat unless it is candies. But I do remember that my family and I really didn’t …show more content…

I ate more meat than fruits and vegetable combine together. Although we do still cook and eat home cook meal every single day, it now concludes in adding other foods in it that wouldn’t be consider as healthy food. For example, for breakfasts we will have hamburgers or tacos and for dinners we will have pizzas with sodas and chips or other foods. In addition, unlike back than where on the table or shelves there will be fruits like apples, oranges, and grapes today now have none of those anymore. Also where when we used to only buy chips and sodas for special occasion or parties, now these days it is constantly bought from either from my parents, siblings, or by …show more content…

Now more things are pricier than it was and as the economy today is somewhat unsteady and can change anytime, one can never know if the pricing of food will change too. As of now, just buying broccoli is almost about a dollar and somewhat or so in Food Maxx and if we were to total it up just buying the other vegetables and other thing, it is so expensive. More to sum it up, buying some healthy foods is more time consuming and expensive that most people like me and other will consider buying food from fast food is easier and less expensive. And to mention about fast food, the fast food chain has recently rises up as it become more and more popular than it was in the past. It is becoming one of the factor that plays a major role in America as it sells food that are cheap, inexpensive, unhealthy food, or another word junk

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