The Importance Of Nature In Architectural Design

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I believe nature plays a very important role in architectural design. Nature is simple, organic, and appealing to all. There are set rules in which nature has always followed. Because plants, water, earth, and other natural elements always follow these rules, their natural symmetry and stature are considered attractive. Why would any designer or artist choose to ignore these rules that have been followed by unarguably beautiful artwork? Marc-Antoine Laugier also believes nature is a very important factor when designing architectural structures. Though his beliefs are a little primitive for today’s design techniques and style, I still admire his writings and view on the matter. In Laugier’s book, “An Essay on Architecture,” he addresses early architects’ ignorance. Laugier explains how architects did not study nature and the set rules nature has already created for us. In his Essay, he reveals the flaws that many early buildings throughout Europe posses. Some of the more general flaws he exposes are disproportioning in architectural design, unnecessary placement, and ignoring the primitive and original purpose of a building all together. Therefore, Laugier believes appropriate and appealing architecture can only be designed and crafted when the architect behind the building has followed the rules of nature. In Laugier’s Essay, he concludes an architectural Order as the following, “…only the column, the entablature, and the pediment may form an essential part of [the building’s] composition. If each of these parts is suitably placed and suitably formed, nothing else need be added to make the work perfect” . Laugier later takes his readers deeper in thought about these three components of an architectural Order. He explains tha... ... middle of paper ... ...or temperature to remain at a comfortable 87 degrees, despite the temperature outside. Eastgate Centre saves about 3.5 million dollars every year due to the lack of central heat and air (Doan). This simple observation of what nature has already discovered for us has saved Zimbabwe millions of dollars. Imagine the quality of life humans could have if architects continued to apply biomimicry to their design process. Nature in architecture is critical. Laugier made this clear in the 1700s with his basic, but insightful, claims in “An Essay on Architecture.” Modern architects have taken his beliefs further than he probably ever imagined with technology and the cutting-edge idea of biomimicry. After studying natures’ artistic design, architectural stature, and overall success rate on this earth, I believe that the incorporation of nature is vital to architectural design.

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