The Importance Of My Personal Behavior

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In exploring my behaviors that have an effect on my life, it was surprising to hear what my family and peers noticed that I would have never thought about. I mentioned the time spent on social media, my phone, and how my constant need to keep everything clean and organized are behaviors that play a significant role in my life. My family and peers mentioned they see patterns of perfectionism in almost every aspect of my life. Some mentioned how I am picky about cleanliness but more surprisingly was my sister’s answer, where she explains how I am always in a hurry. She described it as living a fast-paced life where I cannot stop because there is too much to do.
After our discussion about the behaviors and patterns I believe they are spot-on. The few that they mentioned are all behaviors that I do daily, but what really surprised me was how others recognize how in a hurry I always seem. When thinking of behaviors or patterns, excessive time-urgency never …show more content…

Anytime asked about values the first value is always family, but it seems the first value I neglect in each behavior. Continuing the behaviors could have significant impact on my relationships with family and friends. After thinking about each behavior and how it affects my relationships with family and friends, I think I should address the excessive time-urgency behavior than the other two. The other behaviors may take time away from family, but this behavior seems more hurtful to them and to my health. With this behavior I am physically spending time with family and friends, but I am constantly thinking about everything that needs done (always rushing our time spent together) and they can obviously see that, so with addressing this behavior I will be more present and able to enjoy our time together and relax more

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