The Importance Of Magwitch In Great Expectations By Charles Dickens

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Charles Dickens wrote Great Expectations in the post-Industrial Revolution, a time where your social status plays a huge role as those statuses are crucial in how people think of you. Those of high status are praised and looked up to, while the low class people are seen as dimwits and undeserving of any recognition. Similarly with Pip, he has the idea that the greatest expectation he can have in life is by having that status in order to be with the girl of his dream, Estella. After some time at Miss Havisham’s place, he began hating his “coarse and common” life and began wishing for more. He began looking down on those around him, including Joe who was his closest friend and confidant. During the years of his life written by Dickens, Pip changes …show more content…

In his past, he did “ Tramping, begging, thieving, working sometimes when I could,—,—a bit of a poacher, a bit of a laborer, a bit of a wagoner, a bit of a haymaker, a bit of a hawker, a bit of most things that don't pay and lead to trouble”. He was an orphaned child who grew up committing heinous crimes in order to survive the world. However, Magwitch proved that despite the fact that his life was filed with immorality, a person like him can change to become a better person. He portrayed that being born to a status filled family does not guarantee your nobility. Compeyson was a gentleman who lived out of crime as his choice. In fact, he hired Magwitch as his helper to help him with “handwriting forging, stolen bank note passing and such like” (page 397). After they were caught, although they committed the same crime, he received a much bigger punishment than Compeyson due to his upbringing and social status. Compeyson falsely accused Magwitch of influencing him into committing these crimes. This demonstrates that social status does not guarantee one’s nobility. Magwitch used this as a fuel to prove to the society that an orphaned child like him who survived growing up surrounded by immorality, he can make a gentleman out of Pip who also did not come from a wealthy family with a high status. Magwitch himself managed to turn his fortunes around and accomplished success in business during his time in Australia and came to love and care for Pip as his own son. Upon knowing Magwitch’s history, Pip realized that he has begun caring for this man. Pip then realized the ways he has mistreated the two people who truly cared about him, Abel Magwitch and Joe Gargery, thus; immediately regretted his

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