The Importance Of Living A Life Like Christ

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Living a life like Christ As Christians, we try to think that since we are saved we are living a life like Christ but, we are missing the key points of living. In the book, “The Spirit of the Disciplines” author, Dallas Willard emphasizes the spiritual disciplines of our lives and to live like Jesus did. He mentions how the people of the world are missing the disciplines that are set for them in their lives. In Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image.” We are the people of the Lord and must do works to please our God it is a way to show our gratitude for all he has done for us. We are placed on this earth to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. Based off religion, we are negatively defined as sinners and broken people while science …show more content…

The first man created on earth was Adam and since he sinned, it was passed down to his descendants. Psalms 51:5 states, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” It is natural to sin because we are sinners by nature. If we are willing to participate in sin all of our lives and choose not to give it up, we will push ourselves further away from God. Since we are born is sin we ask ourselves, “What would Jesus do?” to avoid taking action of sin. Willard claims that “it is not sufficient to see us boldly and confidently through a crisis, and can find ourselves driven to despair over powerless tension it will put us through (Willard 9). Our actions are what makes us further or closer to the lord and many of us choose “to withhold our bodies from religion and that can exclude religion from our lives” (Willard 31). God is a forgiving God when we ask for forgiveness of things that we do wrong in sin. People want to transform their life over to God, will be considered to be a different kind of person in which 2 Corinthians 5:17 states, “Old things that have passed away and, behold all things have become new” (Willard 20). God loves us no matter what we do but it is best to give ourselves to

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