The Importance Of Life In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby

F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays his life into many of characters in the great gatsby. Tom, Nick, and Gatsby himself all have direct connections to Scott. The corruptness in wealth, class, and happiness in the 1920s are all displayed through the eyes of the author and the themes he puts forth in the great gatsby. Many other connections between Fitzgerald and the structure of the novel go into the full interpretation scott has on the 1920s. In the great gatsby, the author uses his life story and morals as inspiration to the interactions between tom and daisy and influenced the themes and portrayal of the 1920s in the book.

F. Scott Fitzgerald, the man of writing in the 1920s, made a life for himself.
Many influences he portrays in his writing directly correspond with the characters. Fitzgerald’s life is being shown through gatsby, tom, and nick. Gatsby portrays the author’s “american dream”, desire for fame and wealth, and ungrasped love. Gatsby grew up with a mindset of achieving fame and wealth any way possible which for him was through illegal activities. Just the same, Scott, had his life goals to raise up from his life of poverty and live a pristine wealthy lifestyle."I began to bawl because I had everything I wanted and knew I would never be so happy again” (SITE). This quote from Fitzgerald express his desire for the tangibles such as wealth, so much it brought him to tears. Gatsby also portrays his loss in his own “american dream”. In the novel gatsby is able to rise from rags to riches, only to fall short of the happiness. He feels he will be happy if just he has a little more wealth. The same goes with Fitzgerald, his dedication got him to the top of the class when he realized the corruptness in class and wealth kept him from achieving happiness. This is expressed in the quote about Scott Fitzgerald, “Depression deepened, Americans had become far more interested in the "have-nots" than the "haves."” (SITE). Last, a major connection is the loss love in both the author and how he presents it through gatsby. In the novel, Gatsby works to impress his love daisy, his love from the war, when what
Scott Fitzgerald also great influences many of the symbols and themes seen throughout the novel the Great Gatsby. The green light, the valley of ashes, and the apartment are all major symbols throughout the novel that portray the major themes that are greatly influenced by the author and his life. The green light was shown throughout the novel as a big part of gatsby. We see him watching, reaching, and even talking about this green light. The green light appears to be the idea of Gatsby reaching for his future goals and hopes. In this case it was to bring back Daisy. The symbol represents the distance apart his dreams are from reality. “I thought of Gatsby’s wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock. He had come a long way to this blue lawn and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it” (Fitzgerald, 193). The same for Scott with his dreams he felt he could accomplish with wealth was just out of gasp before all started to tumble for

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