The Importance Of Led Zeppelin

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Why Led Zeppelin is the Best Rock Band Ever

Nothing is better than a Sunday afternoon with some Led Zeppelin on the background. Although it’s been 45 years since their debut, Led Zeppelin still fascinates and inspires wide range people with their music. Even younger people like me listens to them. But why? What makes them so attractive? Well there are lots of reasons to it, other than the fact that they’re awesome. Today, I will be addressing why Led Zeppelin is the greatest rock band of all time and although I’m pretty sure that more than half of you listening don’t even know who or what Led Zeppelin is, I am more than confident that by the time I finish, you would be interested in learning more about this band, and hopefully, start …show more content…

When it comes to popularity of a band, not many bands can be as popular as Led Zeppelin. With more than 300 million albums sold, it is safe to say that Led Zeppelin is one of the best selling bands of all time. When they debuted in 1969, their first album, “Led Zeppelin” otherwise known as “I”, scored number 10 on the billboard chart. Even today, it is rare for a newly debuted band to even get on a Top 10 Billboard chart. After it’s release, Led Zeppelin’s popularity grew so unbelievably within the next few months that by the time they recorded and released their second album, “Led Zeppelin II” less than six months later, they got their first number one on the billboard chart. This album alone sold 12 million copies worldwide and is still hailed as one of the best rock albums. These two albums were followed by “Led Zeppelin III”, “Led Zeppelin IV”, “Houses of the Holy”, “Physical Graffiti”, “Presence”, “In Through the Out Door”, and “Coda”, which four of them reached number one on record charts all over the world. However, the best of Led Zeppelin is their fourth album “Led Zeppelin IV”. Not only …show more content…

With all these coming together in unison, they gave life to the music. We also can’t forget John Paul Jones’s classical influenced arrangement, Jimmy Page’s catchy riff making skills, and Robert Plants mystical lyrics influenced by JRR Tolkien. Just listen to “Stairway to Heaven” and you will understand exactly what I mean. This song contains every single element of their music. It starts off with an acoustic folk melody, slowly joined by the vocal, bass, recorders, along with the drums, and finally, ends with a hard rock arrangement accompanied by Jimmy Page’s iconic guitar solo. From the chord progression to the arrangement, it was nothing like what people heard back in the 70s. This song can be taken as a folk song, or as a hard rock song, or even as a classical piece. This versatility is Led Zeppelin’s source of power. “Stairway to Heaven” was so epic that Herbert von Karajan, the late conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic who is respected as one of the greatest classical conductors of the 20th century said that the arrangement to “Stairway to Heaven” was unbelievably perfect and that there is no need to add or lose an instrument to the piece. Also, Jimmy Page’s guitar solo was selected as the number one guitar solos of all time by the Guitar World magazine

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