The Importance Of Human Memory

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The human memory contains some of our most treasured values. It allows us to remember the past, present, and store information we may need for the future. Memory provides a guidance for us. It influences our behaviors, decisions, and defines our character; our identity. Although, not all memory is created equal and some are less favorable than others. Most would think of memory as a precious gift that we can hold onto forever, but there are also memories we wished to forget. Regardless of the type of memory, without memory we have no direction in life and no purpose. Thus, to understand the human memory, let’s explore how it works, what may affect it, how to maintain better memory, and some current issues with memory. The human memory is an interesting and complex system. Not all human memory …show more content…

It gives us a purpose and a way to recall our past. It’s a book written in our minds with the pages all over the places. It may not be as accurate but it gives us an insight. It takes many parts of the brain working together to create memory. Memory than is stored away in various types of stages such as the sensory, short term and long term. The more important ones stay longer and the least important ones eventually fade away like the ink on a written paper. Sometimes we are robbed of our memories by a fatal disease such as Alzheimer’s or by personal choice of drug usage. However, there are tools and techniques we can use to help us maintain memory. Although not all memories are wondrous and sometimes we want to erase these painful ones. There are current drugs being studied which may be available in a distant future that will help erase those painful memories for some. But until scientists can truly understand all the mysteries of the human memory, there are no such drugs available for purchase. Perhaps it’s better to maintain our current memory for it is who we are and influences our decisions and

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