The Importance Of Hope For Haiti

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“There is a large population of orphaned children in Haiti, many of whom are living on the streets. There were an estimated 380,000 prior to the earthquake and untold thousands added to that number after it. There are also about 250,000 restaveks, or children working as servants and often treated as slaves”, (Chelsea Evans). People in Haiti are in a lot of need and we can, and should, help them. In order to do this, it is important to understand what organizations are helping Haiti, what those organizations are doing to help, and ways that we can help Haiti, so that the future of the country is improved. There are a lot of organizations that have a mission to help Haiti. Hope for Haiti’s main purpose is, “We work to improve the quality of …show more content…

One focus that many groups are determined to fix is the lack of clean water. The organization Hope for Haiti has, ““Maintained 13 clean water sites”, (“Hope for Haiti”). Thirteen sources of clean water can greatly affect Haiti. It gives Haitians a great source for clean drinking, and bathing water. These water sources also let them do laundry and other necessary things. Hope for Haiti has also, ““Constructed four three-classroom blocks in rural areas and eight three-classroom blocks in our two Sustainable Communities, meaning that 1,089 students now have the opportunity to learn in a safe and permanent school structure”, (“Hope for Haiti”). Giving children this new learning environment will keep them safe. It will also encourage them to come to school and learn. It is good to make kids want to learn so they become more intelligent, and are determined to work. “Workers from each community to share critical public health information with Haitians in rural and remote communities on topics like personal hygiene, nutrition, and worm prevention and treatment”, (“Hope for Haiti”), states Hope for Haiti. This organization is sending people over to Haiti to share information with Haitians. The information that they are sharing with them is crucial for their health and safety. All of the many things that groups are helping Haiti accomplish will make a big difference in the future of Haiti and the people living …show more content…

One way people can help is to, “Help pack and ship medications and medical supplies from our Naples, Florida warehouse. By donating your time, you help Haitian medical facilities receive over $11 million in medications free of charge!” (“Impact for Haiti”). By sending boxes of necessary items to Haiti we can make a big difference. People do not have to go to Haiti to be able to help the country and the people. There are many ways like this where we can help from your own home. “If you have a heart for Haiti and want to serve for an extended period of time, an internship is for you”, says another organization (“Mission of Hope Haiti”). Taking part in an internship is a great way to get involved in the country and with the people living in Haiti. People can be part of Haiti for a longer period of time than if we went on a small trips. This could have a greater effect on the country and ourselves. If people take internships in Haiti we can share information with others, and make them want to help. Another thing groups have started is, “$1=6 months of deworming medication. $1=25 days of public health education for a student. $1=1 tree planted and cared for by a Haitian student. $1=1 day of teaching for approximately 30 students”, (“Impact for Haiti”). By donating money people can help in small and big was. One dollar can make a big difference in the lives of many Haitians. If we donate to the people of Haiti, we could change their

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