The Importance Of Honesty In Healthcare

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There are many different types of healthcare providers. Though each type of provider has different jobs, there are many shared characters between them. The characteristics are part of basic necessities in a healthcare provider’s career. I believe I am empathetic, honest, dependable, willing to learn, and competent. When someone is empathetic, it means they can relate or understand someone. This could be someone’s feelings, actions, or even situations. Empathy however should not be confused with sympathy. Many patients might not like feeling pitied, and it could lead into problems between the care giver and the patient. The most recent memory I have of being able to empathize with someone is when my best friend was struggling in class due to a teacher. The teacher was not always the best at assisting in confusion and often did not understand how any student could not grasp the material. My friend, though not a straight a student, was not allowed to fail classes. She was stressed, and she did not know what to do. I could empathize because of having my own way of learning and understanding different pieces of information. I helped her by explaining lessons on a simpler form and changing the way the information was given. Her grades did improve, and she passed the class. Honesty is an important …show more content…

If asked for my opinion on something I will say what I think in a positive form. An example of me being honest is when my sister asked about her art work. I am not an artist, but I can tell what is pleasing to my own eyes. I looked at the images and decided things I thought would be better a little bit differently. Then I would tell her what I think is a better option here and there, but I would also tell her what part of the images were good and why I thought the changes would emphasize the piece. The best way to be honest, I find, is not to be blunt, but to be kind and allow positive

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