The Importance Of Health Care In The United States

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One political issue that I have always been concerned about the country’s health care situation. When compared to other countries around the world the United States is one of the few well-developed countries that lack universal health care, leaving its citizens to rally on themselves to pay any injuries they receive. The United States would see many new changes if a health plan was placed, life expectancy would raise, and new hospitals would be created which in turn would cause a need for more hospital staff like doctors and janitors to be needed creating more jobs in America. We’ve seen attempts at health care in the past with examples like the Obama Care which gave all Americans access to affordable health care. You might be wondering why it matters to have political options that you want to …show more content…

You might think that it's a worthless effort since your just one small person who doesn’t have the power to see these dreams grow. Thankfully Theodore Roosevelt answers some of these questions in the “Citizenship of a Republic” which tells the readers not only why they should have these political goals as well as telling them what how you can be the best citizen for your country. In Theodore Roosevelt’s speech, he claims that to be a good citizen of your country you must be willing to learn certain virtues and be willing to do duties for your country. These virtues according to Theodore Roosevelt are “self-restraint, self-mastery, common sense, courage and resolution. The reason why these virtues are essential to learning is that they teach a person how to be in control of themselves at all time and also prevent outside forces from taking advantage of them. Regarding

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