The Importance Of Guns

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There are billions of guns in the world and currently, more are in the process of being manufactured, and these products will soon be on the market, at this rate, it is impossible to imagine the world without guns. Humans have evolved and adapted to many changes in their life, perhaps it is time to adapt or simply learn to live the way the word it is right now or perhaps we have to fight to make the world a better place. Guns take a big place in our society and a study made by the Small Arms Society showed that “There are 875 million guns around the world and civilians own about 650 million out of all the guns in the world” (Karp) The statistics show that civilians own the majority of the guns, therefore, there is a need to address the subject …show more content…

Guns are attractive to children, therefore, a secure place like a lock box is the best option and another option is somewhere hidden and away from the reach of children and even trespassers. Children see weapons as toys, therefore, they ignore the danger that is to have a gun. The project child safe gives tips on how to keep a gun safe, how to transport, handle and how to keep a gun out of kids hands. “If handling a gun at any point, the gun should always be pointed away from people and fingers should be off the trigger until it is ready to be fired. In the case of storage, the gun should be unloaded and bullets should be placed separately from the gun. The gun should have a safety lock at all times as an extra precaution, also the owner of the gun should talk to kids about safety and danger of guns as weel as to never touch or grab a gun if they find it. The last advice is to keep the gun clean and maintain to avoid any problem” (Ten Tips for Firearm Safety in Your Home) The biggest problem for safety is not from a stranger but from a family member, guns get fired unintentionally all the time and most of the time they are fatal. Pros and Cons talk about a lot of the problems of having a gun at home “Guns do not kill the people, but it is the people that need the education and it is their responsibility to know how to handle and how to keep a gun …show more content…

S. says “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” (Amendment II) People believe that the amendment talks about the right to own arms and that there should be no limitations but limitations are needed for the safety of the people. In the beginning of the second amendment, there is a part that said about a well regulated therefore to have the right of owning a gun there should be limits on what and how people should use guns. Restrictions do not take any right away it just gives the option to be protected if a person desires but in a safer environment. Laws over the year has shown a lot of gaps and fault that will be used by people who want to commit a mass shooting also over the years, laws have not been able to stop criminal activity and it seems to be getting worse, the recent mass shootings all over the U.S bring the question about laws and if they are working. According to Officer Amanda Santa Cruz “The current laws use in Colorado let a person acquire a gun by only passing a background check but there has to be no felony or domestic violence in the records, and the person has to be 21 years or older to own a gun. A person may not purchase magazines with more than 15 bullets and only Denver bans the use of assault rifles. A person does not need a permit or license to own a gun home only if they want to open carry. People have to keep in

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