The Importance Of Government Censorship

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Evidently, there is no positive relationship between economic development and censorship. Violating citizen 's right to freedom of information under the disguise of economic growth is just another excuse of dictatorship. It is true that economic growth can be attained with censorship or non-democratically, as it has been the case in China. However, democracy also produces a healthy economic development, as it has been the case in the western countries, like the U.S. Clearly, this shows that there can be economic development regardless of creating a censored society or not. However, economic progress will only be sustainable with an open society who has the freedom to access information. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt, during his visit to China, …show more content…

Censorship should be the fundamental part of being a good parent in an individual or parental level. Government censorship is an entirely different issue since a small number of lawmakers are deciding what the whole nation is permitted to see, hear or think. Nowadays the government regulates broadcast media heavily to restrict what our children can see and hear, but these restrictions bind the rest of us as well, including millions of Americans who have no children at all. And in a free society, allowing government censorship has never been a good solution (Nakaya 142). A free society should be the one who can decide what he or she wants or does not want. If we allow government to make that decision for us, then we cede our basic …show more content…

There are several stories of attacks caused as a result of this kind of censorship aimed at silencing others. For instance, the January, 2015 attack on the weekly satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France for depicting the Prophet Mohammed in a cartoon. In fact, this is not the first time this newspaper was on attack; In 2011, the office was badly damaged by a firebomb after it published a spoof issue “guest edited” by the Prophet Mohammad (“Satirical Magazine is” Par. 1). All this aggression towards journalists and their work because someone did not agree with the content. This will cause people to become scared of writing controversial contents, which will lead to self-censorship or having a limited

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