The Importance Of Good Action

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In life, human beings are always required to make decisions and actions on certain things regardless of age, it is essential in order to live. However, the ways we act have an impact on happiness and on our lives; therefore, doing good action is believed to be the key to live well. What is considered as good actions, though? Here are some beliefs that determine good actions: utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. They all have ideas on measurement of good actions, and despite the differences on the three ideas, they all pursue to the same goal: to be happy at the end. However, due to their differences, I prefer utilitarianism.
Utilitarianism is the concepts of right actions and consequences. If an action is good, it should maximizing …show more content…

It is not about duties and rules, or the consequences of actions. A virtuous person is someone who acts virtuously. According to Hursthouse, “Charity or benevolence... is the virtue whose concern for the good of others... related to the concepts of the worthwhile, the advantageous, and the pleasant” (171), which means, virtue could be about being kind or honest. In virtue ethics, actions cannot determine if a person is virtuous, only if one does an action with rational thoughts. It is not a habit of acting, it is about if it feels right to do so. It is about doing something what the inner self thinks it is right, not about other purposes. It is also virtuous if someone is living well and …show more content…

While growing up, I always hear people say “think about the bigger picture”. We should care about the consequences and expect what might happen after taking an action so we don’t regret or hurt ourselves and others. An objection from deontology might be what if the intention for the action is self-interested. Well, Even if it is self-interested, if most people are still going to be happy, isn’t it still better while having benefits for the self and others? One major problem for deontology is the duties people are supposed to follow from a long time ago might be viewed as wrong today, therefore, there is a possibility that today’s moral duty could be wrong. Well, maybe not today, but what about 50 years later? We cannot know what is in the future for us to decide if something is always right or always wrong. For virtue ethics, one problem is there is no agreement on what is virtuous. Different acts of “virtuous” actions come from different cultures, and some actions from a culture could be viewed as wrong. For example, we might judge a culture, that cuts the enemies’ heads and eats it, morally wrong, while the culture themselves would think it is perfectly right and virtuous because they are killing the evils away. In addition to criticisms, both deontology and virtue ethics do not have clear way to resolve conflicts or what is actually good moral action because of the fact that they depend on

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