The Importance Of Gender Equality In The Workplace

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All human beings are biologically distinguished into males and females since born. When we apply for schools, jobs, and citizenship, defining our genders is one of the compulsory details to be filled. Needless to say, gender difference, i.e. male and female, is an inevitable part to face as long as we are human beings. However, since the earliest times, people, especially women, have been discriminated in terms of education, social rights, inheritance and career due to this gender status as Emma Watson (2014) stated that “ Our society in general devalues the ‘she’- qualities that are associated with the feminine that are found in all of us. As a result, there’s imbalance and distortion and it’s hindering our progress”. From the cultural and …show more content…

Employment opportunities should be equal to both males and females not neglecting or judging the capability of females. In the same way, workplace should provide equal opportunities when it comes to job security, promotion, beneficial in all condition of service such as training and career achievement. The achievement of gender equality in the workplace is not only fair and square, but also very crucial for the productivity of a business organization and nation. Besides that, gender equality can increase the productivity and also progress of companies and institutions. When men and women are treated equally, it can have diverse and various perspectives and degree of thoughts as it comes handy in executing an analysis of the issues because it produces greater effort to solve the issues faced by the company. Furthermore, the discrimination of women should be vanished especially in relation to family .Females capabilities and talents should not be restricted or locked up in four walls. In the previous era, women are only given chores as to take of children and housework at home. But in this decade, women not only can be a housewife or a mother that nurture children at home but they can also do very well in their jobs or tasks as men even when are burdened with houseworks. Woman are the best in multitasking as they are go for work, take care of kids at home, and also manage household chores. State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders that reported by Gallup found that 41% of female managers are engaged at their jobs, while only 35% of male managers are engaged at their jobs. .Moreover, all workplace should remove the barrier for women to access and explore all occupations and industries, because they have leadership skills

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