The Importance Of Gangs

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“A team is where a boy can prove his courage on his own. A gang is where a coward goes to hide” (Mickey Mantle). It’s having the courage to stand outside a gang, despite any hardships, that puts a teen on a path toward success and not on a road to youth violence and gang-related crime. Regrettably there are adolescents in impoverished urban neighborhoods across this country who lack connection to anyone or anything and are not getting the adequate support and push of courage they need. These communities need to partner with law enforcement agencies to create a more supportive environment that deters teens from joining gangs and gives them the ability to escape racism and poverty.
Gangs have attracted disadvantaged people for centuries in America, and the issue of how to deal with the violence and crime that comes with gangs has become a major topic of debate in recent years. Research supports that gangs originated in America as far back as the 1700s; however, many studies show that today’s gangs have their roots closer to the 1970s (“Gangs”). A gang in the U.S. today is defined by the illegal activities performed, including robbery, drug and gun trafficking, fraud, extortion, and series of prostitution rings (FBI). A major portion of these activities is accredited to youth gang violence in the rough, impoverished areas of America. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the most common time in a youth’s life to join a gang is between the ages of 13 and 15. In order to gather data such as this, the CDC looks to The National Youth Gang Survey for information. The NYGS is how U.S law enforcement measure gang membership and activity. This survey is the first in the world to annually contact nationally representa...

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...h young children have shown similar positive results (CDC). Equally important are the community-based programs in places such as churches and recreational centers where young people can learn life skills, obtain jobs, and connect on a personal level with the community they are surrounded by. There may seem to be limited resources available for the fight against gangs, but it has been shown that simple things such as programs in schools can greatly impact the decisions of young people when given the option to join a gang.

Courage, whether through the community or through the youth themselves, is the key role player in getting on the right path of life. “A gang is like a wolfpack; gang members do not use their energies in friendship with one another, for they do not know what friendship is. If they are united, it is by the desire to attack their world” (Haniel Long).

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