The Importance Of Family History

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Writing down one’s family history can be a good way for a family to connect with each other and with their ancestors. Most people would agree that it is important for families to know their history, but should all families write it down? Yes, everyone, every family should write down their history. Although some may say that writing a family history is not necessary for life and takes time that could be used for something else, I would argue that it is a quick and easy way of learning about oneself. The first reason every family should write down their family history is that it is an easy way to learn about one self. For example, it can do this is to teach a young or even older person about things they enjoy doing. This could lead to a future profession as a genealogist, or a historian. Another example is, in “How to write a family history” Parker wrote, “It was as a child in the attic of my family home that I first encountered my forebears, sifting through the discarded possessions of departed generations, fascinated by people I felt close to but had never met. Years later, when as a …show more content…

One could say that it takes time when a family could be playing games, studying, or doing community service and that it is not that likely that any given family history would be useful for understanding a major event in world history. Why should it be a requirement? All of that is true; it can be time consuming, but most families spend a lot of their time on frivolous activities. This is actually useful. Also, I am not trying to argue that recording family history be written into law, but rather that it become a ritual rather like celebrating a child’s birthday, not something required, but something that many if not most people do anyway out of tradition. One especially useful thing that writing down a family history does is that it teaches children what their ancestors have done, both good and

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