The Importance Of Facebook

773 Words2 Pages

Today Facebook is the second most popular website in the world besides Google. Facebook is a very popular website worldwide. Someone you know or even you may have a Facebook. A lot of individuals fail to see the side of Facebook that is bad. Facebook has explicit images that can cause cyber bullying, which can affect student at school. Many parents don’t want their kids to go through that. Parent thinks sticker rules should be put in place to make it safer. Also they think its ruining kids and think they can keep kids safer by not allowing kids 16 and below to use Facebook but kids are breaking the rules of the age restriction so therefor its not effective. Also many kids set their profiles to public allowing people to see their personal information such as address and phone numbers. The public being able to view kids personal information gives people all the information they need to hurt kids. Often parents help kids create Facebook accounts with knowing that they are breaking the rules because their kids aren’t old enough. Facebook should have an age restriction and sticker rules because it will keep kids safe not only at home but school too.
Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook from his dorm in college. No one ever thought people would spend over 800 billion minuets on Facebook a month. The thought of how much time people spend on Facebook is thought of as being impossible. Many kids under the age of 16 can’t wait till get home to update their status on Facebook also many kids have an Facebook applications on their smartphones. It’s essential for them to let their hundreds and thousands of friends know what they are doing. Kids get on Facebook before completing homework assignment so therefore it’s messing up their learning. On t...

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...ected student with their academics, school behavior. In many cases kids go to school and get into a physical altercations because of a incident that occurred on Facebook at home and many times schools have no choice but to get involved. Hinduja stated that “Unlike traditional bullying, cyberbullying frequently takes place off-campus, most typically in the child’s home. The fact that cyberbullying takes place pre- dominantly off-campus means that the behavior potentially falls into a different legal category. While behavior that takes place on the school campus is clearly under the jurisdiction of educators, behavior that takes place at home is usually viewed as being under the jurisdiction of parents.” (149)Many parents feel as it’s the school fault and they could’ve avoided the fight before it began but it started at home. This is a major problem in everyday life.

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