The Importance Of Environmental Management Accounting

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“While history may have been a dead tradition, tradition remains to be a living history”.
To achieve a clearer path to a better understanding of the environmental (E) disaster taking place in science and technology, with the help of accounting is available. Accounting is a technical which is very important in all aspects of the environmental economics and management. Although it is somewhat remarkable that governments have imposed strict rules, but with a sense of responsibility felt in the minds of investors, playing the role of contractors, construction areas, can be reason to comply with strict rules. Construction and Demolition (C&D) costs for both the environment and the economy are important and the flow of material , the quality of materials, recycling process, reuse process of materials and proper disposal of waste material for both the environment and the economy should be considered to achieve green goals for building projects. Review of economic calculations in construction projects and incorporate them with environmental concerns as a E …show more content…

1.3 Building(C&D)

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