The Importance Of English Composition

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English Composition II
Composition is “the act or process of composing or a piece of writing” (Webster). English Composition is a form of writing that incorporates the English language in to a proper arrangement. The arrangement can come in the forms of essays, poems, stories, or other types of literature. The word English Composition gained popularity during the late eighteen hundreds due to higher education. English Composition should be the foundation of any education achieved. Most universities and colleges have two different levels of English Composition level one and level two. Some schools have higher levels depending on degrees the students are acquiring. English Composition II is required for all college degrees. The class helps students learn to use language more effectively. When learned correctly it should help attain loftier goals, such as good grades in other classes, scholarships, and acceptance into graduate school. This often leads to leadership positions and a rewarding career. Specifically, in Composition classes the student should learn the skill of argument. This skill has enabled modern leaders in science, business, education, and virtually every other profession to move objects, people, and even whole nations. English Composition II at Camden County College during the …show more content…

That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.” Students are in college for education. Their lack of education only shows their ignorance. Students in English Composition I and II should be writing in journals daily of their life in college. As the student finishes English Composition II, the journal writing should show progression in writing skills, storytelling, and help build his confidence in writing. The more a student’s writes the more the student learns. The less a student writes, the less he will succeed in life. Writing is a major component in success in today’s

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