The Importance Of Energy In China

776 Words2 Pages

As the world’s most populated country, China is the largest energy consumer and producer in the world due to its fast growing economy and population density. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, China became the largest global energy producer in 2007 and largest global energy consumer in 2010. By 2011, China was also the largest power generator in the world. China is also the world’s top coal producer, consumer, and importer and is accounted for half the world’s coal consumption.
China’s growth has transformed energy markets in the world since it is the major exporter of oil and coal. China’s quickly increasing need for energy leads to major geopolitical implications. As a country with abundant natural gas producing regions, China has proved to be one of the world’s top oil and gas purchasers. In 2008, most national companies have increased their international gas and oil assets due to a substantial need for oil and gas security.
Although energy intensity is supposed to increase during the early periods of industrialization in developing countries, China’s energy consumption grew at half the rate of growth domestic product (GDP) growth during the 1980s and 1990s. However, the trend changed in 2001 as the energy consumption grew 1.3 times more faster than GDP through 2005 followed by a decline from 2005 to 2010 period. This decline was caused by administrative policies such as closing down small thermal power plants and state energy conservation program for large energy-intensive enterprises. China’s increasing energy consumption from 2011 was related to the comubstion induced CO2 emission. In China, the emission of CO2 increases through the consumption growth have outweighed emission reduction from energy ...

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...ns of CO2 in 2011 and they plan to reduce carbon intensity by 17% and energy intensity by 16% between 2010 and 2015 according to their 12th Five-Year Plan. China is also planning to reduce its overall CO¬2 emissions by at least 40% between 2005 and 2020 (EIA).

By comparing China to the rest of the world, China has one of the largest energy consumptions and energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. The global primary energy consumption graph shows that China was the leading energy consumer in the world from 2010 to present and predicted to increase until 2040. China’s energy consumption more than 100 quadrillion British thermal in 2014 and predicted to increase to close to 200 quadrillion British thermal in 2040. By looking at the global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, China is predicted to have more than 10,000 million metric tons by 2040.

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