The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence In Leadership And Management

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The emotional brain responds to an event more quickly than the thinking brain. Daniel Goleman (Goleman, 1998) A term initially derived by the famous John Mayer and Peter Salovey, Emotional Intelligence (EI) is now gaining more importance than the Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Dr. Rommel Sergio a Dubai based professor states in his award winning paper at Harvard that Emotional Intelligence wins hands down as compared to academic competency in relation to communication skills and leadership. The skill of being able to differentiate and understand your own feelings and then further on interpreting and responding to the emotions of others is what is known as Emotional Intelligence. Emotions play a direct role in our day to day lives to a positive …show more content…

These skills hold a substantial substance in how well a person is able to put his message across. The skills are practical and are the basic ingredients of effective leadership and personal resilience to …show more content…

Notably, the bank managers in the Middle East. Moreover, Emotional Intelligence plays a crucial role in the job settings of the UAE for example, the bank managers involved in the customer service sector must essentially possess an ability of Emotional Intelligence. (Gulf News, 2013) Furthermore, Core Group Dubai states ‘It’s not people but their ability to work together that is your most important asset!’ (The World’s Leading Emotional Intelligence Tool Social Styles, 2014) And thus since they wish not to waste time on ‘personality clashes’ and ‘petty disagreements’ they have set up Emotional Intelligence training courses for their team for more efficiency in communication and speed. The whole concept of exploring and practicing ‘Emotional Intelligence’ teaches individuals that what eventually ‘matters is not what happens, but how you respond to it that really counts’. A real leader and a good communicator is one who is able to distinguish between these two scenarios and one who is successfully able to take control of his emotions rather than allowing his emotions to take control of

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