The Importance Of Effective Prayer

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Effective Prayer To be effective, our prayer must coincide in principle with the work of sowing and reaping:
1) Prepare the soil
2) Sow the seed
3) Attend to the seed and soil
4) Harvest the fruits Anyone who has worked the field or in the garden knows that sowing and reaping is a process that takes place over time. Likewise, our prayer must continue over time. However, the term prayer also refers to a variety of prayerful acts (affirmations, treatments, recitations, repetitions, ritual incantations, etc.), most of which require only a moment of time. Science of Mind considers the act of prayer (whatever technique you use) to be the mental work that establishes a consciousness, which is actually the prayer. Praying may take …show more content…

Praying is what we do. A prayer is the mental work we 've done. Prayer is what praying accomplishes. We stop praying when our work is done. Ernest Holmes ' taught that if we don 't yet have the results, then we still have work to do. We continue to do our work, establishing and maintaining a consciousness through which the creative work is done. When our work is done, God 's work has just begun. We must remember: Our work is not the creative work. We facilitate the process. We don 't make it work. We don 't do the creative work. There is a power within that works through us. We don 't make things work. We don 't make life work out. We don 't make seeds grow. We have enough work to do, sowing seeds and harvesting the results. Daily treatment work is good practice and a practical discipline, keeping us mentally prepared and present to reap what we have sown. In this sense, one prayer is enough, but that prayer is unceasing; for our prayer is the consciousness we maintain every …show more content…

It is easy to forget, but impossible to remove anything from Mind. To our chagrin, we may see the effects of that which we used to believe, even though we 've refuted it and refuse to accept it; yet there it is. The roots may run deep. This years flower garden may give rise to a few of last years vegetables. Seeds can lie dormant until the conditions are right. It may not surprise you that Jesus had a parable about this too. In the Parable of Wheat and Tares, a field is sown with wheat; however, as the crop grows, weeds grow up along with it. The weed in question (a tare) looks like wheat while they are growing side by side. It is difficult to tell them apart — until harvest time. While we find it difficult to distinguish one from the other, we can see the results, or lack thereof. One bears good fruit, the other does not. This is the way it is with many weeds. They manage to grow up along side beneficial and desirable plants because they look similar, until one flowers and the other has nothing to show for itself. A negative results in nothing. The positive provides something. It is a mistake to try to judge what will be. Simply let them be, for eventually, the choice will be

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