The Importance Of Dante Switch Guides

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In The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri there are two main guides who help Dante on his journey to salvation. These guides help demonstrate the consequences of sin and teach him how to overcome the temptation of it. These guides are each a crucial part in Dante’s transformation to allow him to fully grow and learn to be pure on his own. Dante needed two main guides to help him take on the arduous task of changing his sinful ways to save him from himself, he needed both guides because each taught him very different but very valuable things. These guides where chosen because of various aspects that allow they to teach Dante to the best. The first of these guides is Virgil, a well-respected pagan poet. There are many reasons why Virgil was chosen …show more content…

Virgil represented Dante and his humanity, that he still has sin that is holding him back, and when he must stay behind it shows Dante’s change. Virgil is stuck in hell, not able to move past the sin from his life on earth, like how Dante was at the beginning of the novel. When Dante crosses the river to Beatrice the reader is shown how Dante is leaving his sin behind him and is changing into something greater. The reader can tell that he is being transformed because the guides teach him different aspects that needed to be changed. When a person is changing, he must realize his past, which is what Virgil is teaching him, and then how to use this change for the better, which is what Beatrice is teaching him. They each represent the two stages of Dante’s transformation; Virgil showing Dante the effects of sin and Beatrice helping Dante learn and see the truth in purity. Dante the poet also want the readers to realize with this change that Dante in the novel has overcome his sin. When Virgil leaves him in the hands of Beatrice he is confident that he has done his part, that Dante is freed from his temptation, and he is confident that now Dante can follow his heart and not let it lead him to sin. When Dante follows Beatrice, the reader knows that his selfish ways have been wiped away, that Virgil and Beatrice know that Dante is on his way to holiness. The different things the guides teach Dante highlight this change. Virgil taught Dante more about the effects of his lifestyle now, that if he did not change he will be crushed by his sin in the afterlife. The Dante that was with Virgil was very proud and cared too much for the sinners in hell, and Virgil needed to show him how wrong he is being. When Dante meets Beatrice, we can see the change Dante has made, that he is less caught up with himself and sees the effects of his actions. Beatrice reprimands Dante,

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