The Importance Of Culture For Asian Children

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Culture is one of the major stresses for Asian children due to facing their heritage culture and host culture because most of the time a child sometime cannot balance both culture but they often need to fight to keep both culture to connect with the family and the outside world. According to William Ming Liu;
“Asian Americans is often related to the interchangeable use of race, ethnic identity, and culture to describe this community. For the purposes of this research study, we define culture to be the “customs, norms, practices, and social institutions, including psychological processes . . . [and the] beliefs, values, and practices, including religious and spiritual traditions”” (Liu, 2010) The value that they put into their everyday life …show more content…

Children that go to school stay in school most of the day there and not at home when their heritage culture is. Most of the time Asian parents tend to work long hours so they will stay in school for afternoon activities and come home very late that are only home to eat and sleep that cause them to lost their heritage …show more content…

(Sun, 2013). Conceptual problem is when the stress is not very clear about that external stimulus or the stressors. Like if a students got a low grade on an exam, which cause a subjective experience of the metal distress because the latter is able to appraisal process ad coping the ability of the individuals. (Sun, 2013) A methodological problem is the “examination stress” is when a student got so stress of examinations due to the “academic stress” that can be a range of school activates and other work. A student sometime unable to handle all the activities and examination at the same time that can cause student go in to panic attack, which is result of stress.

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