The Importance Of Criticism In The Workplace

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In this paper I will be explaining criticism and how to accept it in the work place. Criticism is something everyone will experience in their life. Criticism is will take place in many different settings and during a variety of circumstances. It will often come in one of two forms positive or negative. How you choose to accept both forms of criticism depends heavily on you but also on the person giving the criticism. Some people are naturally very critical and may be unware of the criticism that they are giving. Acceptance means to give consent, believe or come to recognize. It is important to realize that acceptance is a crucial part of criticism. How you choose to accept the criticism that you are being giving will determine how beneficial it will be to you and also your ability to work in the work place with that person .You need to have high self- esteem and feel positive about yourself and your abilities to be able to receive the criticism especially if it is negative. You should also keep in mind that you have full control of what you choose to believe about yourself. It is completely up to you to determine what is constructive or deconstructive for you. As I mentioned earlier some people are naturally critical people who are completely oblivious to the fact that they are criticizing anyone. You will more than likely …show more content…

Positive criticism is given to not just point out what you are not doing correctly or in the most effective way but, to demonstrate or explain how you could do perform better in the work place. This form of criticism is important for you to learn how to take not only in the work place but in life. It will not only improve your work but will be beneficial for the company that you are working for, which could lead to promotions or increase in pay. Basically with learning to recognize positive criticism you are helping yourself and the company you are working

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