The Importance Of Child Beauty Pageants

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Picture a 6 year old girl, walking into an oddly large room with her parents. Their paying no attention to the beautiful daughter. She’s excited for what’s about to happen. Her mom told her all about how she’s going to walk across a long stage with a beautiful dress on. Her intentions are to have fun, little does she know that all her parent’s care about is the trophy and the money. As she’s getting ready she’s hearing parents say stuff like, “Sit still! I’m trying to do your makeup,” “ Smile pretty.” These are young girls not understanding the point to all this known sense. All the adult’s think that since their child is young they are just there like puppet. Young girls everywhere are being taught to “sit still, look pretty.” Beauty pageants …show more content…

This isn’t the way we should be raising our children. The average parent doesn’t let their young daughter wear makeup till their older, at least my mom didn’t let me unit I was at least in middle school. Writers have called pageants “ bizarre contests in which children are painted and pompadoured to look like mini hookers” (Child Beauty Pageants). In other words, the average 6 year old girl should be outside playing with her friends, not walking up and down a stage in little dresses. May I add, a girl at the age of 6 thinks this is all fun and games. She little, she doesn’t know better. She doesn’t know right and wrong. All parents are doing is making them believe life is all about shiny …show more content…

“It’s not dress- up and pretend to go to work like mommy does or vacuum the house like mommy does. It’s a very sexuilzed, sensual model of someone who’s trying to get attention,” said by Elizabeth Dybell (Child Beauty Pageants). No, makeup isn’t bad. In some cases, makeup is considered a ‘pick me up.” Makeup can make a WOMEN feel good and confident, but little kids don’t understand that because they don’t care. We don’t need to teach them that now. Young girls and women are all beautiful the way they are, but some girls are taught differently. For example, parents are teaching a 6 year old how to pose like a 20 year old. Just hearing that makes me feel

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