The Importance Of Characters In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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Part I: The big picture a. As known that characters individually affect the course of the story. Not only their individual characteristic features, but also their contributions to story cannot be disregarded because in the events characters always affect each other negatively or positively. Most of the time characters are like a messenger of fate. They try to give a message to help him/her or mostly they try to convince or motivate others to do somethings. We face in our readings such situations because most of the time characters cannot do anything and they need help or some courage. At this point, other characters come and speak somethings and in this way, they intervene in the actions.Until now, we examined deeply The Epic of Gilgamesh …show more content…

Mostly, we see these characters as a helpful or persuasive person and generally their purpose is to become their advantages. Of course, other people aim at somethings such as glory, success, win etc. by persuading. Firstly, we see persuasive situations in The Epic of Gilgamesh. First situation is creation of Enkidu. This creation is a solution to the Gilgamesh. This act became successful because by making close friends, Gilgamesh starts behaving positively towards his society. Until he meets Enkidu, Gilgamesh harmed the young men. Anu-the father of the gods- hopes will be to society’s advantage and he creates the Enkidu. And he tries him to go near Gilgamesh and this situation will make them close themselves. In order them to become close friends, hunter talks with …show more content…

He makes Enkidu furious and angry because he says somethings about Gilgamesh “The land of Uruk was standing [around him,] the land gathered [about him.] A crowd was milling about before [him,] the menfolk were thronging [around him.]” (103-106; Tablet 2) Mainly, hunter’s purpose is to cause challenge between Enkidu and Gilgamesh so he wants to persuade him. The purpose of this persuasive way is using annoying sentences about Gilgamesh. This causes challenge. The end of the fight Enkidu understands the power of Gilgamesh and through dreams which his mother saw Enkidu becomes faithful companion of

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