The Importance Of Attitude, The Key To Success In Life

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Attitude is the key to success in life, 90% of all our success depends on our attitude, and the other 10% depends on the circumstances that surround you which you can’t control. In our work there is much that is demanded of us and it depends on our attitude to accomplish it. For example, Peter has been working for a company for some time now so when he is asked to do something he just relies on his experience in the job and thinks that he doesn’t need any explanations on how to do it, so he goes on as he always has. Later, Joe, who is new to the company and has a better attitude is asked to the same job and he does it in less time and better quality putting Peter’s job at risk simply because of his attitude. Let’s make it more understandable. To do things right, to be excited for yourself, even to start a new diet for yourself you need to have a good attitude or else you won’t be motivated to continue with …show more content…

Do you remember the parable in the Bible of the good shepherd? (John 10:11-13) The salaried worker does his job out of obligation, the day the thieves come and rob the sheep he runs for his life. He doesn’t defend them because they are not his. On the contrary, the real owner of the sheep defends them even to the point of laying down his own life. If you’re not willing to defend your health with your own life and sacrifices, and you can’t have a good attitude nothing will work until you change. If you’re not willing to make the determination to look out for your own life nothing will work, including your relationship with your spouse, your diet, your projects, work, family, studies, etc. Of course 90% will depend on you, the other 10% we don’t have any control over, but even so our attitude will be the vehicle that will take us to total triumph in all

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