The Importance Of Abortion In The United States

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Abortion has been legal in some states in the United States since 1973. Pennsylvania was one of the states that allow abortion, however there are some rules and regulations that the state will abide to perform the certain act. The provisions involved the physician and hospital requirement, gestational limits, “partial-birth” abortion, public funding, coverage and private insurance, refusal, state mandated counseling, waiting periods, and parental invovlment (Guttmatcher Institute, 2012). Each has a brief description of the policies that were aimed for the pregnant women’s decision making. These provisions will demand penalties on the providers if they were not followed. The physician and hospital requirements stated that the abortion should …show more content…

For example are the information about 24-hour waiting period, fetal development, and adoption programs. Physicians and counselors will share the information during the consultations and prior to receiving abortion to educate and persuade pregnant women or teenagers to terminate the abortion. Additionally, the parental involvement is required for parents to sign the consent form. However, a minor can obtain a court order for abortion without the parent’s consent. Women and teens considered abortion because they wanted to end an unwanted pregnancy, pregnancy from rape or incest, and inability to support or care for a child. Zastrow and Kirst-Asham (2016) stated that the “abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removing an embryo or fetus from the uterus before it can survive on its own outside the womb” (p.85). Women can choose to end a pregnancy by taking a medicine or undergo a surgical …show more content…

The process will inject a local anesthetic solution, use the vacuum to suction the fetal tissues from the uterus, and perform the curettage to sweep off some remaining tissues (Zastrow & Kirst-Asham, 2016, p.96). The common side effects are cramping ranging from mild to intense and bleeding. This type of abortion is performed in the clinics where patients can stay for couple of hours for safety. Another method of abortion available for a second-trimester is dilation and evacuation (D&E). The practitioner will use the general anesthesia and the fetus will be extracted by pulling the parts of the baby (Zastrow and Kirst-Asham,2016, p.97). Also, the fetus is well-defined during the second-trimester (Tsiaris, 2011). Women use the dilation and evacuation method of abortion when they were diagnosed with a fetus that has severe medical problems or abnormalities or when pregnancy threatens the health of the mother. The common side effects are cramping and complications related to

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