The Illusion Of Love In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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In a span of four days, six characters were tragically propelled to the beyond. The classic tale of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare displays a great abundance of death and the chaos of what the illusion of love can do. Romeo and Juliet fall in love and desperately try to be with one another but conflict keeps arising. Juliet then executes a plan to simulate her death. Her lover, unfortunately, was not informed of the plan. He decides to poison himself because he could not live without her. When Juliet wakes up, she discovers Romeo’s corpse. She then shrikes herself with a dagger. One of the many morals of the tragedy is love can be dangerous. However, all of the deaths could have been evaded. The two characters were so blinded by the illusion of love without realizing they were wandering into a deathtrap. Love is just an illusion. There are many factors that contribute to the illusion of love that would make it seem authentic. Either the whole fairy tale set by society or the chemicals in the brain. The topic is quite controversial because …show more content…

Love may come off as a surface. However, love is made up of a variety of emotions. There is happiness, lust, and fondness. Yet there is also jealousy, anger, and loneliness. Love is unsteady. At any second, happiness can go to sadness. In Romeo and Juliet, we can see how precarious the emotions are, moreover it can undermine the real definition of love. “The measure done, I’ll watch her place of stand And, touching hers, make blessèd my rude hand. Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight, For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night” (Foster 12). Minutes before Romeo spotted Juliet he was still lost in thought about Rosaline, who he felt affection for. Yet the moment he laid his eyes on Juliet, he claimed he had never been more in love. Romeo jumping from woman to woman proves that love is just an illusion to justify attraction and distract the brain from

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