The Hunger Games Movie Vs Book Analysis

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It’s inevitable that there were countless similarities between The Hunger Games book and the movie, as the movie was based off the book. However, there were plenty of major differences that stood out in the movie in comparison to the book. In particular Peeta’s leg situation, the way characters died and lastly, how Katniss received various gifts. These changes were made in the movie, each with a specific purpose.

A significant portion of The Hunger Games are deaths, but more importantly how it happened. Suzanne Collins made the deaths of the tributes thrilling and exciting. In the book a character named Thresh from District 11 killed Clove, a career tribute from District 2 by hitting a rock against her head. However, in the film Thresh just hit Clove against the Cornucopia extremely hard. The reason for the rock being a factor of the death in the novel was to be more descriptive. The author’s job is to provide a vivid image in the reader's head. Hence, Suzanne Collins used an object to make the novel more engaging. In comparison, the film without the rock was intense. This is due to his action of killing the young tribute in order to help Katniss. Showing the film …show more content…

In the Games tributes are able to receive gifts from sponsors if their mentors send them. In the book Katniss receives broth, burn medicine, bread from District 11, sleeping syrup and a basket of food. But in the movie Katniss only receives broth and burn medicine. Again, if the producers did show Katniss get all those gifts then they wouldn’t have enough time to show the Games, interviews and other main/important scenes that allowed the audience to comprehend the movie. Also in the book all the gifts adds valuable content that allows the readers to enjoy the book, since they don’t get to see outside the games. Although, Katniss didn’t receive all the gifts in the movie that she did in the book, the audience still got the objective of the gifts from

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