The Hunger Games, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, And Maze Runner

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Every time someone enters the theaters, they must select movie choices they have some knowledge about or understand similar movies. However, for every man’s movie knowledge, they always have a few favorites that stand out from the rest. Thus, through in depth analysis and overview, it is discoverable what traits distinguish the good movies from the bad and what features make the bad so unwatchable. And from the data recorded, certain recurring themes have risen from the liked movies as well as the unliked movies. Therefore, in order to produce a popular movie among the general public, according to a survey, a director must include in their movie exciting action and actors, have the movie become a blockbuster, and avoid a confusing plot and …show more content…

From the survey, The Hunger Games, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, and Maze Runner were all considered favorites for their gripping action. And to go along with this, today’s state-of-the-art special effects can easily grasp the viewer’s attention. Also, according to the survey, the movies Guardians of the Galaxy and My Fair Lady were picked as a first choice for their integral actors and actresses. To provide an example, some of the main performers from these movies include Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Pratt, and Audrey Hepburn who are all considered widely known celebrities either today or in their time. These and comparable actors and actresses can be quite expensive for the movie’s budget, but when used effectively they can really bring the people to come watch. While to some it may not seem essential, having well known actors and actresses really boost a movie’s likeability …show more content…

The movies, Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, Into the Woods, The Visit, and Pitch Perfect 2 were all chosen as least favorite movies either for an awkward plot or a distasteful soundtrack. The plot serves as the backbone of any movie so it will either make or break its popularity. And for the soundtrack, although movies are not musicals, music is essential aspect of any film to build suspense, depict a feeling, show time changing, etc. The importance of plot and soundtrack comes up again because for the movies, Guardians of the Galaxy and The Hunger Games, the plot and soundtrack were good reasons on why their were favorites. When not executed properly, the soundtrack and plot can ruin a film for the

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