The Holocaust: The Night Of Broken Glass

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I ran into the nearest house I could. The storm troopers had began to flood the streets. I couldn’t describe my fear in words. All I could do was cry. The Jewish woman, children, and men had one thing in common with one another that night. The one thing they had in common was their will to survive. Reliving the events, as we reaccount what the night of broken glass was, what caused it, why it was known as a turning point, how it affected the Jewish people, and the aftermath of this terrible night. To start off, not many people know that the Night of Broken Glass was the beginning of the extinction of Jews. Kristallnacht means”Night of Crystal”, but people refer to it as “the Night of Broken Glass.” It occured November 9-10 in 1938. “It occurred …show more content…

When the war broke out,”the Jewish population of Germany was half what it had been when the Nazis came to power.”(Gerhardt) After the Night of Broken Glass or the war, some of the Jewish people went to safe havens out of their country. Those that came to America were asked by Harvard Academics to recount their experiences. The took advantage of it and began telling their stories. In most of the account of the Night of Broken Glass,many of the Germans had mixed feelings. There were people that disapproved of the destruction, but couldn’t do anything to stop it. They didn’t want to end up like them. There were stormtroopers everywhere and they showed no mercy in any of the accounts. These are two eye witness accounts of Kristallnacht. A firefighter wakes up, as if it’s a regular day, but doesn't know what horrors await him. When he gets to his fire station, police won’t allow any of the firefighters to take out the engine. Then he discovers that synagogue is on fire, and they don’t want anyone to stop it. They beat anyone that tried, and finally they allow them to take it out. They saw that they had destroyed the synagogue and frail old Jews. He was afraid they would be next. The next one is about a person in charge of a n orphanage. The children and their guardian had attended the ceremony at the synagogue that no one had attended. Their guardian knew what was going to happen, but had not yet addressed the children. So the person in charge did that they told them about the assassination and that the Jewish people were going to be blamed. Their guardian told them that the children must follow her orders. The Gestapo soon reached the orphanage, and began to destroy everything. The children and their guardian all made it out, but the people at the police station would not protect Jews. One of the police men helped them get back to the orphanage unharmed. They soon saw everyday people that they cared

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