The History Of Football 23.9.05 One of the earliest examples of a game similar to football existed in ancient China. Documents

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Thomas Colwill The History Of Football 23.9.05

One of the earliest examples of a game similar to football existed in

ancient China. Documents reveal that around 200 BC a game called tsu

chu (meaning "kick ball") was played with two 30ft high bamboo poles

for goals. The greeks also played a form of football as early as 4 BC.

The game was known as Pheninda and involved kicking the ball, running

with it and handling it a mixture of sports which are all different

today. The Romans soon followed the Greeks example and called their

game hapastum. This was played on a rectangular field, between two

teams who defended the lines which marked the end of the field. The

objective of this game was to throw the ball from player to player

going forward and eventually throw it beyond the opponents goal line.

The defending side was allowed to tackle and kick this game could be

seen as a close representation to American Football. Some other

examples of the games development are documented around the world. In

Japan a game called Kemari was developed this game involved 8 players

and basically they kicked the ball back and forth to one another

ceremoniously across the "pitch". This was just 14 metres square. In

Italy a similar game was developed in the 15th and 16th centuries

called Calcio. This involved two sides playing in the town square in

Florence on The feast day of St John the Baptist.The evolution of the

game in England appears to have its roots in holy days. Written

evidence confirms that in the 12th century a game with a ball was

played on Shrove Tuesday in Ashbourne. On such occasions the whole

town would get involved and the game could last for days. The purpose

of the game was to gain posession of the ball and deliver it back to

the town or parish. In many other places, Shrovetide football lasted

until the late 19th century.

In the middle part of the 18th century the game was taken up by public

More about The History Of Football 23.9.05 One of the earliest examples of a game similar to football existed in ancient China. Documents

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