The High Window

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The Reason Why The High Window is a Good Novel The High Window is a suspenseful mystery novel that is confusing even after the end is reached. Many things become clear at the end of the novel, but looking at how they become clear, it seems like the author realized he had to finish the book and just threw it in a chapter. Many readers will find this confusing because the mystery is solved in an instance. There is no explanation as to how Marlowe is able to figure out everything that happened down to the last fact. Although it seems there is no climax and there is no resolution until the last three chapters, this novel still has a potential to be a good novel. The majority of the novel is a good novel because it catches the reader’s attention from the beginning. Also, instead of giving readers a straightforward answer as to how everything ended, it leaves readers to imagine their own story of how the character’s lives ended up changing or remaining the same. One thing that makes a novel good is that it is able to draw the reader’s attention, and that is exactly what The High Window does. From the beginning, Marlowe’s witty comments like, “I swung a leg over my knee. I hoped that wouldn’t hurt her asthma,” made for …show more content…

Chandler is very talented because he is able to give readers many characters and have them all fit together in some manner. The fast-paced plot is drawn out throughout the novel to where it doesn’t even feel like it was a span of two days. Like many reviews I have read, readers enjoy the mystery aspect of Chandler’s novel. Also a conclusion has been made that the plot is almost so confusing it doesn’t even matter. It is hiding what is really going on in the novel’s

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