The Hero's Journey Book Report

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What is "The Hero's Journey" and why is it so widely used? In short "The Hero's Journey" is a pattern narrative driven by an archetype hero who finds him/herself newly gifted with extraordinary powers/magical items and goes on a symbolic journey to right a wrong or vanquish an enemy returning home changed forever. And "The Hero's Journey" is so popular because it works. Every person can see themselves as a Harry Potter or a Katniss. A well-developed hero is easy to identify with and root for. Enter The Mark of Noba. Premise: Nothing special about Sterling Wayfairer. Nothing special at all. He is not an exceptional student and even worse athlete. But he's friends with the cool kids and gets to have some fun when his parents aren't nagging him to death. And all Sterling really wants is to ask Waverly out. But who doesn't? Waverly is the ‘it’ girl at school. Beautiful, athletic, smart, popular, and did I mention she was beautiful? Yep the world would stop on its axis if Waverly would just notice him. Then Tetra shows up(and I'm calling her Tetra because her real name broke my spell check. …show more content…

Sterling started out as a bit too normal for my taste. He was a paint by the numbers clueless protagonist that didn't have much depth. But the arrival of Tetra changed that. She is my favorite character and provided a vivid contrast to Sterling that more clearly defined him. Also Tetra is very literal and from another planet which provided some laugh out loud fish out of water exchanges with the other students. I'm still a bit confused with how they vanquished their enemy at the end and thought it was over complex. I think when writing action scenes you want to make them as concise and easy to understand as possible. You want the reader to be engaged and they can't do that if they have to think too much. But all in all it was a good book and one I highly

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