The Help Hilly Analysis

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During the 1960’s here in America whites and blacks were still separated, even 100 years after the american civil war. Both in public and in the home black women especially received heavy criticism from white women even as they worked for less than minimum wage. The movie The Help gives us a look at this time period by introducing us to two black females, Aibleen and Minny, that are maids for some of the local privileged white families. In particular one woman, the employer of Minny, miss Hilly is particularly unfair with her essential control over Minny. At the time blacks were still though of uncivilized and unsanitary. Even though we know this is completely ridiculous Hilly sill insists that Minny can not use the restroom in house. The two ladies have their differences, but the conflict comes to a climax when Hilly finds Minny using her restroom. Hilly ends up firing Minny on the spot and kicks her out into the rain, an unfitting punishment to say the least. Hilly can unfortunately get away with this injustice because of societies views of what is expected from white women and that of black women. This is what is known as female respectability. The belief of this is that white …show more content…

As we’ve found out Hilly has a real problem with this because of her assumptions about Minny. Again, these assumptions come from the social expectations of female respectability and what that means for blacks versus whites. When Hilly knocks on the door asking what miss Minny is doing in there she absolutely losses it when she hears Minny flush the toilet. Hilly orders Minny out of the restroom like she owns her then promptly fires her on the spot, sending her out into the rain. Her reasoning for getting so upset over such a small little thing is her ideas of female respectability. She doesn't think her white womanhood should have to mix with the ideas of the exotic womanhood that Minny

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