The Heart: The Layerss Of The Heart

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. The layers of the heart wall include epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium. Epicardium is the surface of the wall and it’s also called visceral pericardium. It contains serous membrane covering the heart. Myocardium is in the middle of the two layers it’s described as having a thick muscular layer of the heart. It serves as having contractions of the heart as well in containing fibrous skeleton in networking of collagenous and elastic fibers. Some of the functions are providing structural support, attachment for cardiac muscle, and having electrical insulation. Endocardium is the inner lining that is smooth and contains epithelial. There is also the pericardial sac which allows the heart to beat without friction and the heart having room to expand and resist excessive expansion. It has three layers which include parietal pericardium the tough outer layer, pericardial cavity is filled with pericardial fluid, and visceral pericardium which is thin, smooth, and serous layer covering the heart surface.
2. Three reasons why dynamic or parallel blood flow through the systemic circuit is important is because it supplies blood to all organs of the body, it’s catered to the body’s needs, and it diffuses CO2 from blood.
3. The heart is located in the …show more content…

They all compare in having depolarization in a form of action potential and channels that open or close. The differences is that skeletal and non-nodal have a stable resting membrane while nodal doesn’t have a stable resting membrane potential. Skeletal resting membrane is about -90 mV, non-nodal is -90 mV, while nodal doesn’t have a resting membrane is gradual depolarizes from -60 mV. Sodium opens in the non-nodal and skeletal action potential while there is a leak of sodium in the nodal. Nodal depolarizes by calcium channels opening in the non-nodal and skeletal the sodium is the depolarizing. In nodal and skeletal the repolarizing phase the potassium channels close but in the non-nodal the potassium channels

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