The Harmful Effects of Pornography

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Whether pornography is an excuse to make acts of violence public? A big number of famous scholars, no matter men or women, have given their opinions. Each of them has their own view, but we can sort them into two groups, which are against to serious censorship and willing to convict and uproot pornography. Because of pornography, women’s status can never be equal to men’s. Recently, a revolution about the perception of moral values comes out in the world, which refers to how deep the changes of the method people think and act. Media have continuously played a big role in processing those changes in the revolution. Whereas, a lot of changes have been much worse. New violations of human dignity and Christian ideals have taken place. Within here, the media is also important. In the media, widespread pornography and wanton violence have increased in these years. Books and magazines, recordings, the cinema, the theater, television, videocassettes, advertising displays and even telecommunications regularly present a representation of violent behavior in sexual activity, which has been openly pornographic and morally offensive.

Thus, the communications media, such an effective instruments of unity and understanding, can also be the vehicles of a deformed outlook on life, family, religion and morality and an outlook that does not respect the true dignity and destiny of the human person.[4] In particular, parents around the world have expressed understandable concern upon the audiovisual products their children absorbing. it is undoubtedly that parents do not want to see the moral ideals inculcated at home being undermined by objectionable materials all too easily accessible in all too many places(不懂.. 不过应该可以删了没太多强调作用把?)—often through ...

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...rldwide, attention should be paid on different levels.

The Church teaches people the moral truth, which contains the truth about sexuality. The church could connect with other churches, denominations and religious groups in teaching and fostering this morality.

We have already noted some of the harmful effects of pornography and violence, and we can conclude that the common good has indeed been harmed and continues to be harmed where such materials are produced, exhibited and distributed without responsible restriction or regulation.

Education for family life and indeed for responsible life in society requires formation in chastity and self-discipline. By contrast, pornography and wanton violence can blind individuals to the divine image in the human person, can weaken marriage and family life, and can do serious harm to individuals and to society itself.


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