The Handmaid's Tale

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Hair Care Vedika lived in a world where every one’s purpose was to count all their hairs. Once all the girls and boys turn the age of eighteen which they also believe that it is the “age of consciousness”, it was the time for the inhabitants of that earth to count all their hairs. Going bald and cutting their hair short was a mortal sin and to those who will succeed in counting all their hairs will live an eternal life. The catch is no one is allowed to help a person counting his or her hair. In the entire morning Vedika would sell all her artworks and poems and in the afternoon she would count all her hair until midnight. Vedika was really determined to have an eternal life as the Gods promised. The people who loses a hair strand signifies that they have sinned and those who did well to others will grow a golden hair strand. Vedika never wanted to lose a hair strand; she took care of hair as if it was her own child. However, she did not gain a golden hair strand in her twenty seven years of existence. So she summoned the God’s by plucking two hair strands. …show more content…

Vedika angrily asked the gods of what’s the purpose of counting their own hairs. The Gods crackled in laughter but Vedika shouted loudly that her voiced ceased the chuckling of the Gods. “Vedika, who are you to question us?” one of the God’s asked. “I am tired of counting my hairs, I am sick of this ridiculous pathway” she fired back. “Child, you can’t do anything about it, that is the purpose of living.” another God

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