The Gutfasson: Cultural Norms And Values

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Families from various cultures all believe in different norms and values. Canadian society allows everyone to practice elements from their culture. However, judgements towards others continue to be created since some can be perceived to be too reserved or extremely open in their views. Furthermore, every child’s upbringing varies, but socialization helps these individuals learn to grow, express different views, and think outside of their family’s preferences. The Gutfasson’s preserving and practicing elements of the Scandinavian culture after immigrating to Canada is morally permissible. Everyone has the right to practice and believe in whatever they please. Canada allows everyone to freely express their opinions, beliefs and practices throughout their households. This particular family’s view towards the body and sexuality may be different compared to other Canadians from different cultures or religious backgrounds. However, this family’s beliefs cannot harm, nor impede on the values of other Canadians since it remains inside their household. The parents are just trying to teach their children about the body, sexuality, …show more content…

Most parents prefer not to talk about these two topics and rely on the educational system to teach their children, but sex education is often not sufficient enough. However, parents are not obligated to educate their children on such topics since some do rely on their schools to provide classes. Children do surf the internet for their questions to be answered, which can lead them to discover more than they are supposed to. Meanwhile, most parents decide to discuss such subjects when their children are more mature. The ages of the Gutfasson children are unknown, but their exposure to such elements will surely permit them to be more comfortable and accepting in the

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