The Greek Poet, Torquato Tasso

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According to the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, an epic poem is centered around a hero who puts others before himself. Epics poems are poems told about heroes who are bold, courageous, and are willing to risk their livelihood of the well being of a society. The Italian poet, Torquato Tasso, stated the at an epic seeks "to give profit through delight" which in other words means the reader learns something and is entertained simultaneously. The themes of these poems are usually long and go into great detail about their glorious adventures. The twentieth century classical studies scholar, Cecil Maurice Bowra, defined and epic poem as long and narrative that emphasizes the "worth of human achievement and the dignity and nobility of man" (Joy). Epic …show more content…

The war began in his hometown and rather than fleeing from the thought of death, Hector took on the challenge head first. He did not choose to do this because it would benefit him, but rather because his community would profit from the help of their prince. He chose their lives before his own, which is defined as Communal Ethos -- the act of putting other's desires over your own. Hector knew the Greeks had a tremendous army led by the feared warrior, Achilles, but that did nothing to change his thought process toward protecting his beloved city. Hector, was a great soldier himself - he had many of the characteristics that an epic hero required: superior strength, intelligence, and courage. These traits were reasons he was glorified by the people who looked to him to lead them in battle. Hector is the better epic hero of the Trojan War because of these …show more content…

Achilles would have never been involved in such a hideous war to help the well being of society, the reason behind him fighting was for his name to be glorified. A great leader cares about those whom accompany him and wants the best for each individual teammate -- this is what Hector seeks for his city. He did not do this because he was the prince of Troy -- Hector took on the task as a strong and responsible leader with his tremendous courage and boldness, simply due to the fact that he knew that it would contribute to something bigger than himself, which is why he was a great prince and epic hero. These traits are what many other epic heroes embody. Another characteristic epic heroes are known for are their quests or journeys; in Hector's case it was a mission. He performed the brave deed of leading a fight to protect the great city of Troy. He faced many enormous obstacles along the way, including the war itself -- which is not an easy walk in the park. The most courageous part of Hector was how he kept going when things got tough, unlike Achilles who chose to leave his army during the middle of the war. Hector was inspirational in the way that he cared for his city's triumph -- he would rather it be death before dishonor, which is what occurred. Sadly, Hector also embodied another key trait that made him an outstanding epic hero. Most

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