Pegasus: A Winged Beauty in Mythology and Culture

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My favorite constellation is Pegasus. Pegasus is a winged horse, and I love horses. Back in the Muggle world, I rode horses in competition, and I was watching at Hogwarts during the Goblet of Fire celebration in which the girls' academy was brought in a carriage pulled by several Pegasi. Pegasi are very influential in popular Muggle culture, in television shows such as "My Little Pony" which features Pegasi, unicorns, and normal horses. Winged horses are beautiful and pristine creatures, the ultimate show of perfection.

The Greek myth of the Pegasus is gruesome and beautiful in itself. Medusa was once a beautiful princess, but she was seduced by the water-god Poseidon in Athena's temple. Outraged, Athena transformed Medusa into a

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