The Great Tribulation: The Path from Slavery to Freedom

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War is in many circumstances is the only solution between two opposing forces when dealing with great difficulties . The American Civil War was no different than any other war but could be separated from others due to the role that African Americans took in configuring the direction of the conflict and aftermath of the Civil War.The period between the 1861 and 1870 is the essential time frame to analyze the development of the Antebellum Era to the apex of eruption of the warfare during the War between the states, followed by the age of Reconstruction which altered history to form America today. The President of the Union, Abraham Lincoln believed that any measure should be taken to preserve the Union, while the South believed in the power of the individual confederate states. African Americans were active participants, and engaged in the effort in restoring the Union before combat ever started, they changed the purpose of the goals of the military campaign, and in the ensuing years after the war, articulated the granting of rights, and formation of the new governments in the south. Over the course of the 1860’s the hostility between the North and the South grew into an insipid relationship that only dragged on until the succession of North Carolina in 1860. The main disagreements that led to the Civil War grew over political differences. The issue of Federal versus State rights, stirred the question over how much power the government should possess, similarly the abolition movement clashed with the expansion of slavery in the South and after the elections that would inaugurate President Lincoln without one vote from a single southern state in 1861 the South was fully aware over the balance of power that was not present withi... ... middle of paper ... ...avor because of the Emancipation Proclamation which planned to abolish slavery. The purpose of the war was now toward a meaningful purpose that would change the course of history. The period of Reconstruction proved tremendously difficult with the obstacles that Whites imposed. Before, long legislation passed by congress, allowed to ensure citizenship, equality, and suffrage. Although the South stigmatized the process of their admission into society the power of good illuminated a path of hope in the darkness of the South. The Blacks would then have to fight for their own selves. The greatest physical crime of humanity is slavery. The greatest gift is freedom. The period of tribulation that tested the strength of the integrity of the country was then blessed with the freedom for all blacks and an opportunity to work on the racial injustices that existed in America.

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