The Great Gatsby Quote Analysis

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Throughout history, America has always been seen as somewhere where you can go to achieve what you could have possibly never received in your home country. In the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott FItzgerald captures the idea of the “American Dream” and the costs and benefits of achieving or living it. The Great Gatsby is about a man, Gatsby, who pursues to gain wealth and live the lavish lifestyle, which he obtained illegally. However he encounters a problem, a wealthy women, Daisy, who he had to leave for five years because he had went to war has moved on with her life. She is a symbol of finally obtaining wealth to Gatsby which is why she is so important. The American Dream has attractions and pitfalls to it, which is why we need …show more content…

“Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had not vanished forever” this quote from the novel explains how Gatsby is feeling when Daisy has her arm around him. Daisy is a symbol, a greenlight that is always shining that Gatsby can’t ever catch, this shows us that the American Dream loses its meaning if it is actually achieved, it also shows us that what we were striving for the whole entire time was not so great to begin with. The main character who is originally named Jay Gatz always had a dream to become wealthy because he came from a ranch in North Dakota. When he gained his wealth illegally by selling bootlegged alcohol, after achieving this dream he felt as if he needed more. In the novel, it is shown the attractions of actually accomplishing the American Dream, for example Gatsby’s parties that he would throw even though he knew that he did not drink. It is ironic that the American dream is expressed as happy family, living together, having lots of money, and living happy ever after, but in the story it is subliminally shown that the characters in the story are unhappy with their

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