The Great Gatsby Identity Quotes

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In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, “The Great Gatsby”, identities and knowledge about a person are very important in the novel. One character who has a depth to his identity is Tom Buchanan. On the surface, Tom has the appearance of a respectable, wealthy person; however, studying the novel closer brings out the self-evident truth that this is not Tom’s identity. Throughout the course of the novel, it becomes easy to infer Tom’s true identity; Tom is an unfaithful spouse, consumed with wealth, and a narcissist.
First off, Tom thinks because he loves Daisy it is okay for him to have sexual interactions with other females. Tom thinks he is in a league of his own and that his actions do not have consequences. Even during Tom and Daisy’s honeymoon, Tom was unfaithful to Daisy by “being with” another individual. Tom had no business being with a chambermaid in a vehicle; Jordan’s quote alludes the following: as long as Daisy and Tom have been married, Tom has been a cheater and has not given Daisy the proper respect that all women deserve.
In addition to Tom being unfaithful, He is consumed with wealth and the ways it was obtained. Tom does not see Gatsby as an equal, even though they both have wealth; the only differences about the wealth are as follows: the ways the wealth was obtained and how
Tom is proud of his affairs, and has had many since his marriage. For the esteemed Tom Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson is simply the woman for the time. Due to Tom being consumed by wealth, people that recently came to fortune or individuals with less money hold no stake in Tom’s world. To Tom they are nobodies. He commands attention through his boisterous and outspoken behavior. If Tom has a problem, he will let that person know immediately while being as degrading as possible. Overall, Tom Buchanan proves high-class does not classy with respectable

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