The Great Gatsby Essay

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Literary Research Paper: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald is known as America’s great novel, “The Great Gatsby is a classic piece of American fiction. It is a novel of triumph and tragedy, noted for the remarkable way Fitzgerald captured a cross-section of American society.”(Cliffsnotes Editor) The novel is set in New York City, more specifically in long island; East Egg and West Egg, during the prohibition era in the 1920’s and was then published in 1925.(Bruccoli Joseph.) Distinguishing similarities exist between Fitzgerald, Carraway and Gatsby, one being; Fitzgerald used Carraway and Gatsby to exquisitely represent his character in the real world. Gatsby the protagonist of the story is considered a tragic hero, and his life consumed of earning as much money, because in his eyes money had limitless power, and he used that power to attempt to win the love of his life; Daisy Buchanan back. Nick Carraway is the narrator of The Great Gatsby, his moral sense and personal integrity helped to set him apart from the other characters in the book. Daisy Buchanan is commonly know as a charming, selfish, hurtful women and The Great Gatsby’s most disappointing character. If The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is known as the Great American Novel then maybe the historical context, biographical overview, the characters is what makes the novel so important to American culture.
The Great Gatsby, a book based on the culture of the Roaring Twenties, took place in the 1920’s and was then published in 1925. The 1920’s were a time after World War 1 was completed and everyone wanted to finally have fun and enjoy life. This resulted in the Jazz age emerging and many individuals took an i...

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...of 1922.(Nicholas Tredall) Jay Gatsby was a man that had everything minus the one thing he wanted in his life, Daisy, and it made him a tragic flawed hero.(Mizener) F. Scott Fitzgerald was considered one of the best writers of the 1920’s and there were many parallels between his life and the life of fictional character Gatsby. “One of the most important themes in the Great Gatsby is its focus on money as the foundation of American Society while the era the book took place in, set the perfect atmosphere for the behaviors, and overall actions of the characters in The Great Gatsby.(Jiffynotes quote) The book tremendously resembled the 1974 film in ways which the way the plot was set up, and the actions of the characters were. The Great Gatsby will always be know as the Great American Novel, and it’s a vital read for an insight into life during the Roaring Twenties.

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